Hi! I am Kristin Llamas!
Hello! My name is Kristin Llamas (yes, that is my real last name) and I am the creator of The Llamas Art Show!
I started drawing and painting llamas (and alpacas) to learn about people's names. I ask "¿Como te Llamas?" and real people like you submit their names to be created as llamas!
The llama named after you is not meant to be your physical portrait (you're not a llama, silly!). But it is meant to make you feel part of something bigger. It is your place amongst the "llamas."
With the Llamas Art Show, I hope you will not only explore and reflect upon your own name, but also feel a sense of connection with one another on a global scale… as we all become Llamas!
Your name is the first piece of information you share with others, and the one thing we take with us everywhere we go...even when we are gone.
SO let's celebrate it!!!! ...through llamas!

The llama symbolizes strength, perseverance, communication, and community. The llama is curious, intelligent, generous, and accommodating, but If treated unfairly it does not hesitate to let people know it is not happy (and will spit).
The llama is here to remind you that you have the ability to adapt to any situation you find yourself in. Even though you often carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, know that whatever loads you are carrying right now you will be able to manage and see them through with hard work and perseverance. Don’t be afraid to see the world differently, and pursue your dreams in your own unique way. Stand, tall and confident that everything will turn out alright.
The llama is here to remind you that you have the ability to adapt to any situation you find yourself in. Even though you often carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, know that whatever loads you are carrying right now you will be able to manage and see them through with hard work and perseverance. Don’t be afraid to see the world differently, and pursue your dreams in your own unique way. Stand, tall and confident that everything will turn out alright.

Thanks to my array of licensing partners, you can find my illustrations sold worldwide on art prints, home decor items, tech accessories, apparel, and in the Book
¿Como te Llamas? Everyday Llamas You Might Know